Blue Gourami Sick?


New Member
Jan 16, 2003
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I have a blue gourami which I bought about 3 weeks ago. This guy has been floating near the top of my aquarium, and keeps blowing air bubbles every once in a while. (Rest of the fish are quite active) I have lost several fish in the last few days, which include one black moor gold fish (had a "rash" on the body), and one pink kissing gourami, two little gold fish (don't know why they died), and one red betta, which had a black coloring on the face? At the same time, there are several fish which have survived for the past few months, from my first batch of purchase.

I am at a loss to explain the mysterious "rash" and the "bubble blowing".
I am very prompt in changing water, and do it every 8-10 days, change about 20%. I could not get the water tested, but have been using filtered water. I do not use any chemical treatments. Have a few ornaments, such as plants, and a little house. My tank is about 28 gallons, and as you can tell, I am very inexperienced at keeping fish (started this wonderful hobby about 3 months ago).

Please help me save my pets!!!
you should really test your water. if you have a cooperative lfs near you, they will probably do it for free for you til you can do it yourself. you want to test for ph, ammonia and nitrites.

what did the mysterious rash look like? rashes are usually associated with being pink, but if it was white it is possible it was ich. where on the body was the rash?

the bubble blowing could be a swim bladder problem. is the fish eating? how often and what do you feed it?

The bubble blowing is normal for gourami. It's probably the male one that is building a bubble nest.---------------------
This fish died. It looked completely normal, with no signs of rash etc. It was hiding for several days, until it showed up at the surface yesterday. This morning it was gone.
As for the other fish, they are acting normal, and I will get the water tested tonight. I feel so bad for being a bad fish provider.
The fish which died with a rash had a white "scale peel" on the whole left side of its body.
I feed them raw shrimp, kinda paste it between my thumb and index finger. I also feed them tropical fish flakes. I was going to introduce some veggies soon....
Thanks for all your help.

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