Blue Gourami Dying? - Please Help


New Member
Feb 12, 2006
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I just got home and noticed that one of my blue gouramis is sick. I can't see anything physically wrong with it, except that it struggles to maintain buoyancy and keeps sinking to the bottom of the tank and lying there. There is one other blue gourami in the tank and it seems fine. They're both males. There are also 3 x-ray tetras and a pleccy.

The water is changed every few weeks and I add 'Cycle', 'Stress Coat', 'Stresszyme', vitamin drops and 'EasyBalance' every one to two weeks. I don't have anything to take readings for nitrites etc at the moment. The temperature is currently 29C (it's set to 24C, but the hot weather keeps heating the tank up - is there anything available for cooling them down??)

The fish is currently lying on its side at the bottom. Can anyone help?
Gouramis are very prone to bacterial infections and it sounds like swim bladder, try some shelled peas, once swim bladder has progressed it is hard to cure.
You should be doing a gravel vac and water change once a week, even more in this heat wave.
Stats would be good in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph.
Thanks for that. I don't have any shelled peas at home, I'll buy some tomorrow. To be honest, though, it doesn't look as if he'll last that long. It's really horrible.

Thanks for the help and the tip re. the gravel vacuuming.
Did the fish make it.

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