Blue Gorgonian

There was another topic about this somewhere else maybe a month ago. I've never personally had one, but my work has had do many I feel like I have.

Basically they're nonphotosythetic. This means your light is no good for it. It NEEDS to be fed phyto and/or zooplankton at least once a day. They are also very picky about their placement especially with flow. Make sure if you're seriously considering one, the one you get is open at the store a fair bit of time. Some do wonderfully and others do not.
They are difficult to keep. Since they are non photosynthetic, they need to be fed. They also should be placed out of direct light to help reduce being covered with algae. SH
Thanks for the replies :) yeah i was seriously considering it they just look amazing when they are out, but the one in our LFS wasnt it kinda looked sad.
Imma keep a eye out around and if i can find one thats from someones tank or that looks happy and healthy then i think i might look up and then get one.

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