Blue gill gobies


Sexy Martha Fahaka
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Mar 14, 2004
Reaction score
East coast of England.
Found some of these little fellas today in a local store and as we're rather fond of gobies & gudgeons we are naturally quite interested.

But we can find next to no info about them.

I think you have the wrong scientific name, dormitator maculatus had a decent amount of sites and images when I searched on yahoo :) Hopefully you can find more info with that name :)


^^^Is that your goby? :D
I have one of these, its a pure beast of a goby. Ours is currently around 6 inches in length and very wide in girth (hense their common name of Fat sleaper goby) and is a very aggressive eater. It rarely stops eating ever, picking algea from the walls and decor in the tank inbetween feeding times when it will eat anything from lettuce and pellets to whole whitebait and mussel/cockle, smaller fish are not safe with them, i have also seen it filter feed like a dragon goby when small particals of food are in the water using its huge mouth to draw in large gulps of water. We keep ours in brackish water (SG 1.012) with other large brackish fish (scats, monos, archers, morays and shark cats).
Ha. The ones I've found are an inch long and share a tank with threadfin rainbows. I don't think the LFS actually knows what they're selling (again)

I think I'll pass on these then, I have nowhere to put them.

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