Blue Fish

Neon Tetras are a good choice ( Need to have atleast six of them since there a schooling fish).
You can also get some blue gouramis or blue dwarf gouramis. :)
If you can find them, I strongly recommend Naked Rasboras (aka Sawbwa resplendens aka Sawbwa barb).


You'd probably only find males (the blue and red one at top). Very cool little scaleless guys, mine are usually denim-colored, sometimes darker blue, sometimes very light blue.
If you can find them Blue danio (danio kerri) they are hard to find but well worth it. I'm still looking in the UK for them :(
Blue rams, bettas, peackock gudgeons have some blue, and so do purple spotted gudgeons, firemouths have a blue ring around the black part of their eye, blue dempseys, regular dempseys which have turquoise spots, jewel cichlids have bluish "jewel" spots on them, and some species of african cichlids are bluish (frontosa) :)

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