blue dwarf guramis fighting?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 29, 2004
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got a community tank with 2 dwarf blue guramis, been fine together for two weeks but at the mo they seem to be charging at eachother inturn and kinda flipping on there side as if fighting?

or do i have male and feemale? they both look the same in my tank
If they look the same , they are probably the same sex [ males ] . Female dwarf gouramis are very plain [ lacking the the vibrant colors that males have ] . Anyway male gouramis will almost always fight each other if kept together , almost constantly, maybe even to the point that one dies[ the fighting can be stressful ] . How big is your tank ? maybe you could add some distractions . You should move your question to the bettas and gouramis section .
3ft tank and they seemed to be fighting for half hour or so and that was it, i shall keep my eye on them though and if continues shall give one away
youve definantly got 2 males, if they were female, they wouldn't be blue!!! i'll post some pics of my two females asap so you can see what they look like, but it just sounds like some territories are being formed, try shifting some tank decor and see if the fighting will stop
If you have neon blue dwarf gouramis, then the female is also blue. You can tell the difference between them coz the male has a red rim to his fins and the female hasn't. Gouramis also like a well planted tank with some hidey holes in it. What size is your tank - gouramis are very territorial and it's not really advisable to keep 2 males in a small tank.
gadazobe said:
If you have neon blue dwarf gouramis, then the female is also blue. You can tell the difference between them coz the male has a red rim to his fins and the female hasn't. Gouramis also like a well planted tank with some hidey holes in it. What size is your tank - gouramis are very territorial and it's not really advisable to keep 2 males in a small tank.
I have dwarf neons and the female is silver and the male is blue. she is very obviously not the same as him anyway :fun:
I'm sorry if I confused you, there is a variant of the dwarf neon gourami here and these are the gouramis that I meant. The pic is of a couple and these are the gouramis that I have. They are both blue, the male has red edging to his finnage and the female is blue all over.

They go under the name of dwarf neon blue gouramis at my lfs.

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