blue crayfish


Apr 10, 2005
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
You know, before I had the internet I thought I was missing out on so much information for my aquariums.
Now that I have the internet again, I'm more confused about some issues than I was when I didnt have it!
Heres my question:
What is a suitable Ph for crayfish?
Some say neutral 7.0, others say 7.5 to 8.5.
Does it really matter?
My Water is currently sitting at 7.0, but I'd like too add a bit of slate to the bottom, slate I've gotten from a river here where I live.
I know this slate will raise my Ph to at least 7.8, as I've already tested it.

wadayathink folks?

ps:Eventually I want to silicone slate to the back and two sides of an aquarium to give it that cave look!
I thought slate wasn't supposed to raise pH? Anyway, it doesn't realy matter. Crayfish appreciate harder water (usualy means a higher pH) as this would contain all the minerals and things they need for a hard, healthy exoskeleton - especialy when they are shedding. That's why a pH between 7 and 8 is often reccomended. The exact pH isn't realy important as long as it is kept as stable as possible.
I think they're may be types of slate that wont, but this paticular type I've been collecting from a river nearby raises it quiet a bit.

Actually, from what I've read, sticking your hand or arm in your tank can make your Ph rise.
Thanks for your response, I think I'll get working on that cave now!

Here's a second quetsion for anyone who might have an answer:

What is consideredto be an ok ph/gh level for a clawed frog?


I wanna throw some slate in with the frog.

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