Blue Crayfish


New Member
Jan 2, 2012
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Wilmington, NC
I have a blue crayfish that I got and added to my 55 gallon alone with other fish. She hasnt bothered the other fish and has picked out her home as the decorative log. I have just noticed that she now has eggs under her backside. She has been hiding out and now I know why. She was in a tank with another blue at the pet store but decided to kill it from what the previous owner has told me. Did she mate then kill her spouse, I have read extensively on these unique crays and learned that they can store sperm for at least 18 months or even longer. Should I separate her from the other fish or leave her as she sought that the water conditions were right for her to lay in the first place?

this was cool to hear but i have no idea myself, love blue crayfish. they are quite good predators by the way and can catch and kill most small fish.
I don't know how she would react to other fish, (might be aggressive), but the baby crayfish would probably be picked up by the other fish,(pretty healthy food if you don't care lol). But if you have top water fish they would probably stay away from it.
Only bottom feeders are 1 rainbow shark(catfish) and 1 chinese algae eater. Thing that concerns me would be the 5 zebra danios, 4 sword tails and 5 tiger barbs. All are very young fish, except for the algae eater, rainbow and danios. Already have a 60 gallon filled with water waiting on amazon for my two marineland 350s for it. So I can start the cycling of it. Thinking of getting another 29 gallon just for crays now that I stumbled upon them. My 29 gallon has a bala shark, a rainbow shark, chinese algae eater and a young cray(brownish). Will get pics up maybe today

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