Blue Crayfish/lobster


New Member
Mar 11, 2007
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I was looking at a blue caryfish in my lfs and was wondering whether i could get one would they attack my catfish,plec and cory's ?

Do they pull up plants but would surrounding the plants with rocks if they do stop them ?

and what size do they grow too ?
anybody ? please help i would love to buy the crayfish tomoro
I was looking at a blue caryfish in my lfs and was wondering whether i could get one would they attack my catfish,plec and cory's ?

Do they pull up plants but would surrounding the plants with rocks if they do stop them ?

and what size do they grow too ?
hey brad! well if you got a legal cray its a Australian Redclaw, they are a tropical cray, best kept between 72 and 82. they are the most peaceful of all the cray species, but the disposition of the cray, as with any animal, will decide if it takes fish. mine is in a community tank and i have had no fatality's, and only suffered my first nipped tail, a few weeks ago. but i have a friend in NI who's cray will eat every thing with fins. they love plants, ripping them up and tearing them to bits. rocks will not save them, lol the cray will simply move then out of the way!

it would also need caves and hiding places, and a well secured tank lid.

if you wish to add one to a community, my advice would be. make sure your tank is mature, and the fish kept in it are not too young. the cray should ideally, be kept for some time on its own, giving you chance to judge its disposition. and they are best added after they mature, about seven months old for a Redclaw. if the cats are bigger than the cray things should be ok, but as i say you will need to judge for yourself.

though it can be done, you need to decide if you wish to take the risk with your fish! as it can all to easily end up in fish soup!

that said, i would not swap my community for any tank i have seen here, and Cray are fascinating, entertaining and in general enthralling creatures. ill pm you some info that may help!
I was looking at a blue caryfish in my lfs and was wondering whether i could get one would they attack my catfish,plec and cory's ?

Do they pull up plants but would surrounding the plants with rocks if they do stop them ?

and what size do they grow too ?
hey brad! well if you got a legal cray its a Australian Redclaw, they are a tropical cray, best kept between 72 and 82. they are the most peaceful of all the cray species, but the disposition of the cray, as with any animal, will decide if it takes fish. mine is in a community tank and i have had no fatality's, and only suffered my first nipped tail, a few weeks ago. but i have a friend in NI who's cray will eat every thing with fins. they love plants, ripping them up and tearing them to bits. rocks will not save them, lol the cray will simply move then out of the way!

it would also need caves and hiding places, and a well secured tank lid.

if you wish to add one to a community, my advice would be. make sure your tank is mature, and the fish kept in it are not too young. the cray should ideally, be kept for some time on its own, giving you chance to judge its disposition. and they are best added after they mature, about seven months old for a Redclaw. if the cats are bigger than the cray things should be ok, but as i say you will need to judge for yourself.

though it can be done, you need to decide if you wish to take the risk with your fish! as it can all to easily end up in fish soup!

that said, i would not swap my community for any tank i have seen here, and Cray are fascinating, entertaining and in general enthralling creatures. ill pm you some info that may help!

hi brad,,i have my blue lobster for a year now and yes if it catches ur fish u will lose them,,they do nip and make sure they cant get out of ur tank and yes they sometimes rearange the plants
I was looking at a blue caryfish in my lfs and was wondering whether i could get one would they attack my catfish,plec and cory's ?

Do they pull up plants but would surrounding the plants with rocks if they do stop them ?

and what size do they grow too ?
hey brad! well if you got a legal cray its a Australian Redclaw, they are a tropical cray, best kept between 72 and 82. they are the most peaceful of all the cray species, but the disposition of the cray, as with any animal, will decide if it takes fish. mine is in a community tank and i have had no fatality's, and only suffered my first nipped tail, a few weeks ago. but i have a friend in NI who's cray will eat every thing with fins. they love plants, ripping them up and tearing them to bits. rocks will not save them, lol the cray will simply move then out of the way!

it would also need caves and hiding places, and a well secured tank lid.

if you wish to add one to a community, my advice would be. make sure your tank is mature, and the fish kept in it are not too young. the cray should ideally, be kept for some time on its own, giving you chance to judge its disposition. and they are best added after they mature, about seven months old for a Redclaw. if the cats are bigger than the cray things should be ok, but as i say you will need to judge for yourself.

though it can be done, you need to decide if you wish to take the risk with your fish! as it can all to easily end up in fish soup!

that said, i would not swap my community for any tank i have seen here, and Cray are fascinating, entertaining and in general enthralling creatures. ill pm you some info that may help!

hi brad,,i have my blue lobster for a year now and yes if it catches ur fish u will lose them,,they do nip and make sure they cant get out of ur tank and yes they sometimes rearange the plants

well there you go, two storys about the same species of Cray, you see what i mean about the disposition of the cray!
:S ahhh what do i do still undecided will have another look at it tomoro c what i think
Hello Brad, I am new to this forum stuff so please bear with me. I currently have one of the Cobalt Blues that you are looking at in a 33 long community tank housing neon tetras, swordtails, lyretail swords, guppies and a pleco. The crayfish has not bothered any of the fish to date and he has been in there for about 1 month now. He has however destroyed most of my live plants. I have read that they can grow up to 7 or 8 inches in length. If you decide to get one of these interesting critters, I would suggest you create a couple of good hiding places for it. Mine appears to be less aggressive if he has a place to hide. I am also new to caring for invertebrates though and would recomend getting some addvice from someone who has some extensive knowledge on these guys. I check on my tank at least twice a day to make sure mine is'nt eating any of my fish. His new home may soon be my cichlid tank where there are no plants to destroy. :)
Hello Brad, I am new to this forum stuff so please bear with me. I currently have one of the Cobalt Blues that you are looking at in a 33 long community tank housing neon tetras, swordtails, lyretail swords, guppies and a pleco. The crayfish has not bothered any of the fish to date and he has been in there for about 1 month now. He has however destroyed most of my live plants. I have read that they can grow up to 7 or 8 inches in length. If you decide to get one of these interesting critters, I would suggest you create a couple of good hiding places for it. Mine appears to be less aggressive if he has a place to hide. I am also new to caring for invertebrates though and would recomend getting some addvice from someone who has some extensive knowledge on these guys. I check on my tank at least twice a day to make sure mine is'nt eating any of my fish. His new home may soon be my cichlid tank where there are no plants to destroy. :)

colbalt blue cray are often Procambarus alleni. these american cray, are often more aggressive than australian species. but any type of crayfish can come in a blue morph. so a picture would be good. also apart from the Redclaw, crayfish are cool to cold water dwellers! crayfish need well oxygenated water, as well as hiding place. if you pm me i have access to knowledge, far beyond that i post on here.
crayfish are cool to cold water dwellers! crayfish need well oxygenated water, as well as hiding place.

Does this mean i could put a one in my goldfish tank ?
crayfish are cool to cold water dwellers! crayfish need well oxygenated water, as well as hiding place.

Does this mean i could put a one in my goldfish tank ?

lol sorry but not in the uk, the only legal crayfish here is the Australian redclaw, or blue lobster, which are tropical. but yes if it were not for that, you could. our native Whiteclaw cray and the invading Signal cray, by deffinition, must be cold water and could live with goldfish.

not sure if a goldie could stand 65 degrees, but if it could, you may even ba able to keep it with redclaw, however, this would lead to reduced growth, and lack of breeding. on the plus side, the cray would be very unlikly to contract any bactirail infections. which they are prone to.
my m8s got a blue lobster it defends itself but the fish are too fast for it but he also has a red crab and there always fighting so cant see his crab lasting long

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