Blue Crayfish Hides! And Another Question


Fish Fanatic
Mar 2, 2005
Reaction score
Sierra Vista, AZ
I have an about 3 inch big blue cray! I have a coconut hut he loves to hide in! the first 7 weeks he always went into it but also came out! For the past week, he's gotten busy diggin deeper into the gravel, moving it into a pile infront of his intrance. The backside of the hut lifted a littel though under the missing gravel, so I can actually look into it! He doesn't seem to be molting! He turns around as soon as I peek through the glass on the backside were the hut lifted a bit and puts up his claws. the water is fine and the temp the same as usual- I keep the light actually out most of the time! Is this a prestage to molting? I need to vacume my gravel and stuff, but am afraid to bother him.

also, I saw the coconut hut at someone elses pic, he has the same for his crayfish! it has fuzzy stuff growing on it now! Varrying from black, to greyisch, to greenish! My ghostshrimp in there seems to love it and munch on it. If that is mold though or something, wouldn't it be bad in the long run? so far it does not influence the waterquality at all, the ghostshrimp loves it. I'm not sure it is algea though, I have none anywere esle in the Auqarium!
hi, i have had my blue lobster (blue cray fish) for about two years now and he is a good size but when i first got mine it acted a similar way. i think it will molt soon its trying to find a good place to hide when it does because when molting they are most vonrible. if your tanks needs the gravel hoovering i would just do it but try not to desturbe where it is hiding to much.
Getting a little territorial? :S He's getting more mature? I'm not sure, I have the same problem as you, except he doesnt build.
He just plants his territory there. Here and there, swordtail fry bunk with him in the coconut hut, (same as yours) :D

What size tank? Mine is 10g, but that's like minimum, or something. I'm gonna rehome him to a 29g till I get my 55g setup & cycled.

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