Blue Crayfish and Whitespot


New Member
Sep 1, 2005
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Hi everyone
I have a 42 gallon tank with contains a fair amount of tiger barbs and a blue crayfish. The other day I realised that the fish had the whitespot (ich) parasite present on their tails. I have read that the treatments for whitespot will harm the crayfish so i have put him in a tank on his own untill the treatment on the main tank is finished and i have done a 50% water change which will take about 9-10 days. What i want to know is will the crayfish be infested with the whitespot having been kept in the other tank with the whitespot parasite or is it in fact immune? also would it be ok to put the crayfish back in with the other fish after treatment or will it give them whitespot again?
I know that if the whitespot parasite go without food for 5-6 days they all die out but will they feed and breed on the crayfish in the tank its in at the moment ???

any help would be wonderful thx ;)

As far as i know the crayfish cannot get the whitespot as its a completely different animal to a fish and whitespot if a fish desease, its like a snake getting finrot off a guppy so i wouldn't worry about it :)
thank you for your reply ;)
I respect that the crayfish wont get the whitespot desease but will it be able to carry and transmit it to other tanks?
I wouldn't have thought so but don't quote me on that, i take you are moving him to another aquarium with fish? Just to be on the safe side i would set up a small non-fish tank for to stay in while you are treating your fish- on a side note, continue treating your fish for a further 2weeks after the whitespots have disapeared as the parasite will still be present even if there are no visable signs, it has a habit of coming back if not treated suficiently.

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