Blue Crayfish-- 29g.


Sep 10, 2008
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How many could possibly fit? I'm wondering if I could put it as M/F/F.
Yes, I know sometimes, possibly they can get into a fight. (i'll get one same sized)
I can't find good information about aggressive behavior. ):

Also, could like a zebra crayfish go with a redclaw/blue cray? :)
If so, is there any oher cray's out there that are freshwater?

-- Would a Red Claw crab go with em?
I've been told they're brackish. Cray's can survive at least 1.00-- right? (I think its salinity, i'm not sure :X)
I'm pretty sure that most crays don't do rather well in brackish conditions, but even if they did I wouldn't keep them together. Red-claw crabs should ideally be kept in a paludarium that is mostly land; They drown if forced to stay underwater. This is why they're considered escape artists as they try to get to dry land for a bit when kept in a normal aquarium.

Also, that's a measurement of specific gravity, not salinity. Salinity is measured in ppX. :lol:
think hes on about red claw crayfish not crabs, the crayfish do not need land :)
they also do not need brackish water.

i have four (2 adults male and female breeding pair and 2 juvis male and female) in a 200L but will be moving the two smaller ones shortly as it really isnt big enough for all four.

edit-that'll teach me to read, he was on about crabs as well, my bad. the crabs i believe do need brackish enviroment, crayfish dont :)
Alright, i was just wondering about tankmates with crabs. :) I've researched on them, yes. :shifty:

So, any other tankmates I could put with it?

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