I'm looking for the same kind of answers...and googling is getting me no where!
Wwe had a male and female yabbie (tho we call them koonacks), in a tank together and then out of no where she had the little 'berry' eggs under her tail. the male kept bashing her up, even ripped a leg off, so we separated them.
She has been in her new tank for over 3 weeks now with her tail closed over the majority of the time and prior to that, we think she had the eggs maybe 2-3 weeks but we can't be sure. Today, she started opening her tail and 'fanning' the egss about.
But, the most definate thing is, no one can seem to answer exactly how long they would take to actually hatch.
Her eggs are solid black but there are perhaps 2 that are an orange/yellow colour....Does anyone know if this means the black ones are not alive or why a couple are orangey??
And do we think 10-12 weeks is the actual time??