Blue Claw Crabs


New Member
Aug 22, 2005
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hi i was wondering if anybody new about careing for a blue claw crab or knows of a good place to get the info.
cant say i have heard of one. Got any pics? It might be known to other people under a different name.
Its not a crab i am familiar with but at a guess i would say its not safe for your tank. The reason i say this is becaus eof its claws. Id the tips of the claws end in a spoon shape then its predominantly an algae eater and poses no threat to healthy fish, (all crabs are opportunistic and will take sick or dying creatures). If the claws end in points then its a huntr and may well prey upon your tanks residents.
That looks like the local type of crab here in the Atlantic...where do you live? SH
I agree, that looks like crabs I have cuaght crabbing off the eastcoast. were did you see it or get it?
yea thats an atlantic blue carb, you can find them on many seafood restaurants menus, hahaha, i doubt there tank safe

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