Blue Arowana


spamming my way to the top...
Sep 27, 2005
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Sheffield (rules your rear-end!)
Hi, just seen a arowana at wharf labelled as a blue arowana, can anyone shed some light on this? According to the label it's smaller than silvers and costs a lovely £195

I think blue arowanas are just large black arowanas that have changed color?
I've seen them before... they're just like a silver but with a lot of blue around the fins and different oclors in areas.
they are beautiful, someone just bought a 16" Blue arrow from A5 for 90GBP.

Lovely Silver Color with the most bright yellow with Blue Fringed Fins.
I just bought a 10" black arowana for less than half that so £190 seems a bit steep but as with any fish they are worth whatever someone will pay for them.
One of the reasons i havent visited wharf is tales of their outrageous prices, that and its just a bit too far to travel from London unless it was for something really special.
There just black arowanas collected from a different region. So therefore the exportes cal them blue aros to get a bit more dosh
I read on another forum that the reason for the "blue" arowana name is because of export restrictions placed on black arowanas by the brazilian authorities, the exporters list them as being blue arowanas to get around these restrictions because the airport staff only have blacks on their restricted list.
I read on another forum that the reason for the "blue" arowana name is because of export restrictions placed on black arowanas by the brazilian authorities, the exporters list them as being blue arowanas to get around these restrictions because the airport staff only have blacks on their restricted list.

its actually a black aro. They r great fish, but keep your tank covered, these guys kill themselves so many times by jumping that ud think they needed prozac.

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