

New Member
Jan 3, 2005
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im trying to figure out what to feed my puffer and my bumble bee gobies something besides blood worms ive have to put in 2 cubes because my other fish will it all so the second cube is for the the other two spieces,, any suggestions the blood worms are getting suck into my filter so its filling up the filter pretty fast and have to wash the filter bag. I wash it atleast once in two weeks it gets dirty fast any help would be great thanks
i can't remember what kind of puffer you have... is it a SAP, dwarf, or red-eye? if its a dwarf, you may have trouble with its diet. i don't know anything about red-eyes really. my SAP is a little piggie and loves Tetramin TetraCrisps and orange color enhancing flakes (won't touch the yellow or green).

bumblebee gobies are notoriously difficult to feed. they're very picky and slow eaters. you may not have an alternative with them.

what all do you have in the tank anyways? remember, puffers are not recommended as general community fish.
ditto, i had my bbg's and dwarf puffers in with tiger barbs for a short while, the bumblebees and dp's didnt get a look in on the bloodworms because the barbs were such pigs! depending how many fish you have, two cubes is a lot though, i give 2 red-eyes and 3 dp's 1/2 a cube a day - not sure on exact weight of cubes but theyre the blister packs of 28 cubes. Try frozen prawns, my puffers love picking bits off them, and the bbg's will have a go at them too. I havent found my bbg's too picky though, they will take live or frozen bloodworms, beefheart, live or frozen daphnia too
in my 29 i have 5 bumble gobies 3 dwarfs 3 tigar barbs 7 fedder danios which im tryong to tranfer but there fast. 1 pleco 3 cory cats and one rubber nose pleco
I havent found my bbg's too picky though, they will take live or frozen bloodworms, beefheart, live or frozen daphnia too
:lol: looks like we have different definitions of picky... B)

5 bumble gobies 3 dwarfs 3 tigar barbs 7 fedder danios which im tryong to tranfer but there fast. 1 pleco 3 cory cats and one rubber nose pleco
that's a bit crowded... the plecos and bumblebees might be ok, but you should continue trying to remove the danios and barbs (unless you won't mind them getting munched.) the cory cats should go immediately. reports indicate that all puffers find them irresistably yummy.

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