Bloodworms - Freeze Dried


Fish Herder
Feb 17, 2005
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So, I have a girl betta. She's spunky and fast, and I'm quite taken with her.
And naturally, she's infinately fussy with her food.

She's eaten 1 or 2 pellets since I got her, the others she just ignores. She'll eat fozen bloodworms, when it's bloodworm day.

So, yesterday, after fishing out 3 uneaten pellets and plunking them into my 10gal for the ghost shrimps to feast on, I gave in and tried feeding her my freeze dried bloodworms. My other bettas refuse the stuff, and I have a big old bottle of it.

It's Hikari Multi-vitamin Enriched Freeze Dried Bloodworms.

I remember feeding whole pinches to my male bettas. They'd eat it on occasion without too much fuss, but only on occasion.

For the girl, as she's not a strong eater yet, I took up my little bloodworm bowl (a tiny glass bowl, much like a sake cup), filled it with her water, and soaked the worms. I then carefully fed them to her as I would frozen blood worms. She ate 'em up.


I fed her the worms one at a time, only to see how quickly she plumped up for eating them. It didn't take very many, significantly less than I ever fed my male bettas. I gave my male betta, Sori, a few excess, and out of curiosity, watched his belly as I fed as well. Again, a lot less than when I just plunked them in earlier. I wound up dumping excess into my 10gal for the shrimps again.

So, my questions:

1) Should I continue to try and feed her Hikari Pellets, or do you think she's cool with the Hikari Bloodworms? Would she be fine on such a lopsided diet, I wonder?

Er... in retrospect, my other bit isn't a question so much as an observation I was wondering if you'd like to expound upon or refute.

I noticed that this time, having soaked them in water, it took significantly less for the betta to plump up. I think this has to do with the whole, "swell outside, swell inside," thing. It took less because the worms had already been plumped up, outside 'em.

Because freeze dried bloodworms enjoy a constipating reputation, I wonder if that's mostly because of the dry part, again? Do you think that the odds of stopping up a betta are reduced because the worms are softened up before being eaten?
Have you tried live blackworms with the freezedried Hikari as a treat? I have taken to feeding almost exclusively blackworms as the staple and found them to be great. They don't foul the water. Everyone loves to grab the wigglers and take them down.

I fed freeze dried when I started keeping apistogrammas. But the responses from my mentors were so strong that I stopped. Just once in awhile I give a little for variation.

I never had any bad stories to tell. DrsFostersandSmith just said to soak them. It was ok.
Alas, live wormy anything isn't available locally. I was kinda surprised that someone was carrying the frozen worms.

Thing 1 and Thing 2 aren't complaining, though. The frozen bloodworms are jucier and more enjoyable to them than anything they'd ever had, baring any gnats that have fallen into their bowls on accident.

As far as my girl is concerned, I'm relieved that she's eating anything at all at this point. :X I knew she was going to be alright, but it was starting to get a little bothersome for her to reject everything other than frozen bloodworms entirely.
Spoiled little girl. Ha! Hikari's freeze dried BBS is good too

Sounds like your fish have changed a bit.
*lol* I just caught Sori flaring at the chopsticks I use to feed him the frozen bloodworms.

Bettas seem to really love bloodworms. Bettas can get sick of the same food each day. Try feeding her something else she likes the other days. Dont let her get tired of any food.
~Caroline~ :fun:
Thing 1 and Thing 2, are 'pet names' for my bettas when they exasperate me. ;)

Seeing as how I've had my female betta for only.... six days, I can't see how she could be bored with anything here yet. She was doing the whole food-refusal thing for a few days, I coaxed her into eating a single pellet on day 3, and then she ate 3 blood worms on that same day. It still takes work for me to get her to eat anything.

Perhaps I should try a silver platter, next time. :rolleyes:

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