Bloodworm - Through The Gills


Fish Herder
Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
Warwickshire, UK
Decided to treat all critters tonight with some defrosted bloodworm - went down a treat with most.
The peppered corys didn't even bother coming out of their hidey holes :unsure:
The albino corys had a bit of a munch but seemed most worms that went in their mouths came back out their gills :blink: I've seen them do it with sand but not with food.
Do they just not like them?
my albino corys arnt too keen on it.

can i just ask you how your albino corys behave because i have two one is quite active but the other is still most of the time. can i ask how this compares to yours?

All 3 are quite active, but do sit still for periods of time in, what hubby and I call, their "I'm a little airplane" position because they look like little airplanes when sat on the floor :lol:
There's the occassional dash up to the surface for an air bubble and most of the time they just kind of wriggle about and shuffle through the sand looking for food, the male does have spurts of activity where he swims around the tank - quite fast.

On the other hand the peppered corys I've got are a lot less active, spending time in their hidey holes and then come out for a swim about at night, or for food (except obviously they didn't come out for the bloodworms).
Both my Pepper and Bronze love blood worm. I think you will frind the reason it has come through the gills, is that it just gone down the wrong hole. I have seen this happen plenty of times with my corys, it's nothing to worry about and it doesn't mean they don't like them.

Maybe your Peppers where not hungry or just a little bit jumpy , because in all my time keeping fish i've never had any of my fish turn thier nose away from blood worm.

Maybe next time you try they will prove you wrong LOL.
Just in response to if albino cories are of mine is REALLY active, he's always swimming the length of the tank back and forth and up and down an in circles! he's crazy! haha. my other cories aren't as active, they mostly hang out on the bottom. I've wondered if the albino likes it in there since he swims around so much but he is very entertaining to watch. :lol:

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