thelastbetta - Thanks for the advice. =) I do put them in warm water to separate them, but I was always afriad of using tweezers because I could just invision one of the little piggies jumping up and impaling their little fishie face on the tweezers
I have now bought a nice, BLUNT pair that I will be using, because as you will find in the bottom of this reply, I have some very bad news...
OppositeArmor - Thanks for posting. However, I do not use flakes or freeze dried blood worms, as they are both linked to swim bladder disease, increase the chance of constipation, and tend to sink if you pre-soak them to offset the following problems. I know not everyone has bad luck with them, but I'm just paranoid from what I've heard about them. Thanks for offering advice, however.
Well guys... I have some horrible news. You might not see me posting around here much for a while, because I currently feel like the worst betta owner in the world, and don't even feel worthy of this forum at the moment. Because of my stupidity and forgetfulness, Valkyrie has died. She calmed down last night and appeared to be breathing better, though she was a little clamed (which I assume was from the stress of it all), so I figured we were all set and ok. The next morning, I awoke to the shock of her dead on the bottom of the tank. I immediately tested the water params and checked the temp, because I desparately wanted to believe that something other than my own negligence had killed her, but everything checked out. So yes, because I was in a hurry and not thinking, I offered too many worms at once, probably damaged her gills, and she is now dead. Something as simple as taking the time to pull 3 worms apart and dangle them one at a time has resulted in the untimely, stressful, painful death of a healthy one year old betta. Words can not even begin to explain how horrible I feel right now; I spent most of yesterday crying over it. I don't even have the heart to clean out her tank yet, though I suppose I'll have to soon since I'd like to move one of the other bettas into it. I can't believe this happened, and I am so furious at myself.
my little lady; I'm sorry I've failed you.