Bloodworm And Cherry Shrimp

Jinty McGinty

Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Fife, Scotland.
Hello all.

Just added 5 cherry shrimp to my tank. They are very cute!! Currently feasting upon some bloodworm and all seeming happy.

Got them from my lfs, was very impressed with their shop I have to add. Tanks were spotless!!! Anyway............

He said to just add a cube of the frozen bloodworm and that be it. It's a 17L tank and it's now covered in these worms. The Danios and Zorro (see avatar pic) went crazy for the cube when it was put in.

Should I have just added half of a cube? Or defrosted it and hand fed Zorro some worms from a pipett thingymabob. Or is it fine to all sit there?
Not sure about shrimp, but I used to put a whole cube in but it sat around for hours after the initial 'attack' so now I add between quarter and half a cube and it goes down well. No expert though

Laura x
Put it in a cup with some tank water in so it deforsts first then add it bit by bit to the tank. I wouldn't use a whole cube for 5 shrimp.
Defrost the cube in a plate - it will only take 10 minutes. Then add a little at a time - you dont want the worms laying around in the bottom of the tank uneaten or you will have problems with your water quality. Add some at a time until you see them losing interest then you will know how much you will need. If you dont need the whole cube then cut it in half and put the other half back in the freezer.
cutting it in half while frozen is easy, you'll soon find out how much u can put in without alot of leftovers. i used to always give a half, but now im able to have a whole cube eaten.
Thank you everyone :good:

I guess I'll be trying to clean up all these worms in a few hours then! Shall cut in half and defrost them from now on :good:
Hello all.

Just added 5 cherry shrimp to my tank. They are very cute!! Currently feasting upon some bloodworm and all seeming happy.

Got them from my lfs, was very impressed with their shop I have to add. Tanks were spotless!!! Anyway............

He said to just add a cube of the frozen bloodworm and that be it. It's a 17L tank and it's now covered in these worms. The Danios and Zorro (see avatar pic) went crazy for the cube when it was put in.

Should I have just added half of a cube? Or defrosted it and hand fed Zorro some worms from a pipett thingymabob. Or is it fine to all sit there?

They don't need much food at all. The amount they actually need to survive would surprise you as it's so minute.
Well I didn't get the worm cleaned out as wasn't very well and went to bed. But when I came down this morning the tank was spotless! I gather the shrimp and fishes enjoyed them all lol.
Thats fine but dont make a habit of it - overfeeding is not a good thing and will also lead to problems!

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