blood worms mosquito larvae


New Member
Oct 21, 2003
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:/ Is it possible that feeding your fish blood worms cause parasites? I've never had a problem with my tank for over 3 years now, I bought 2 Elephant nose's and they told me they had to eat blood worms, now I've lost a shark and my other one has parasites I believe. HELP?
I don't know if that could cause parasites but sometimes the fish themselves are carriers of the diseases so your fish won't necessarily have the signs but it still can spread the disease to your other fish...that's my knowledge to diseases. I hope someone else can give you a better answer...good luck!
Are they frozen bloodworms? good brands use radiation like an x-ray on them to kill bacteria, parasites etc, of course the parasites more than likely came with the new fish you got...
What are the symptoms that make you think its parasites??
-_- I believe it's parasites because of the way it looks. It looks almost like little salt or sugar crystle on him. But none of the other fish have anything on them. Well except the shark that died.
:crazy: Wow here I thought this was a place I could actually find some help with my fish. But I guess it really has nothing to do with fish. Just like the fish stores they all tell you someting different, but this place FISH FORUM hmmm! Tropical fish emergencies, sure!!
sounds like ich. ich is a parasite that when freeswimming will not exhibit symptons on the fish. when it is attached to the host it shows symptons. the salt sprinkling is a sign of ich.

raise the temp slightly and slowly. add meds for ich. ich cannot survive in higher temps and is more predominant in the cooler months when tanks have a tendency to be cooler.

looks like you got replies to your post immediately. if you have a problem the best thing to do is call it to the attention of a mod. the ones that are on here all the time (myself excluded) cannot be everywhere all the time. you can pm anyone on the board or email them.

I couldn't see that you'd answered ken_g_w's question whether they are frozen or live bloodworms. This is quite important - as he says frozen bloodworm are generally safer than live ones, these can carry disease.

If your fish has sugar-like grains on him then that sounds like ich - you can find more about ich, including methods of treatment, here.

As it says in the article titled 'please read before posting' at the top of the Tropical Fish Emergencies section, it would be great if you could give us more information about the setup of your tank if you want us to be able to give you decent advice. That article is here, please have a read.

Please don't have a go at people on this forum - as a lot of members are in america and they were probably in bed when you didn't get the replies you wanted! ;)
:D Thank you for your reply's. Time difference, o.k. Sorry if I offeneded anybody out there. Just to let people know I did raise my temp. and continued treating the tank with maryacin II and Maricide for two weeks I believe situation is finally under control. Shark is looking and acting better.
Hi rosebudjuls :)

I've just read your thread and am glad to learn that by now your ich situation is under control. It can spread pretty quickly and can be quite bad.

Anyway, now that things have calmed down a bit, let me say "Welcome to the forum." :hi: I hope you stick around and post here some more. I'll look forward to them. :D

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