blood parrots


Mar 28, 2004
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i know they dye blood parrots. but the other one in this picture doesn't look like anything i've seen. is this the natural color of this fish?


I'd say no.

I've seen the same colors in one of my lfs, they won't sell dyed fish.
I wouldn't know, but I was at my lfs today and she had 'jelly bean parrots' in there. There were ones that looked like reg parrots to me, but then there were these green ones. It was a light green, but just didn't look right. Maybe its cause I've never seen them in that color.. but is that dyed?
AmberC said:
I wouldn't know, but I was at my lfs today and she had 'jelly bean parrots' in there. There were ones that looked like reg parrots to me, but then there were these green ones. It was a light green, but just didn't look right. Maybe its cause I've never seen them in that color.. but is that dyed?
Jelly bean parrots are dyed. :(
Iv also seen skittle parrots, which are jellybean parrots with a different name. I think non dyed parrots are born black or brown, and then as they age they do turn yellow and then finnally red. I think thats why people dye them, because they are too impatient to wait for the natural colours to come out. Stupid people.
Not all jelly bean parrots are dyed.......mine is a jelly bean and was never dyed and my other one was dyed (don't know if it was a jelly bean or not though)

Jelly bean parrots (I BELIEVE) are of convict and jelly bean parentage........

I would say the one in that photo probably isn't dyed. Most babies are born gray, black, brown and splotchey too. Mine was almost all brown when I got (3 months later) he is more orange than brown. But not all parrots will totally turn color. They sort of remind me of Tiger Oscars in a way because they have dark and orange markings! :*) I call my baby (juv.) little oscar!! ;)
Some grow up to be red, orange, peach, cream, white-ish, gray, yellow......splotches of all or just a couple. :dunno:

I have never heard of jelly bean meaning anything besides being dyed. So I would guess that 99.9% of the time it will mean that the fish are being injected with colored ink. Parrots start off brown and all of them that you see in the pet store (ones that aren't dyed) are going to be brownish in color. If they are any bright colors then they are going to be dyed. I would guess that the ones in the picture have been dyed but its not for certain as pictures can make colors more bright sometimes.

You can usually tell when fish are dyed because there are many fish lying on the bottom of the tank having trouble swimming. I have noticed this in many pet stores that carry inked fish. I guess its the trauma from being jabbed with needles and injected with harmful chemicals.

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