Blood Parrot's


Fish Crazy
Apr 24, 2006
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I'm not real sure where this should go but I decided on here. I'm getting a 125g on thanksgiving(bought it from my brothers fiancee)I was originally going with CA/SA cichlids, but now I'm looking at more peaceful fish. But my question is, can you keep a BP or two in a community tank? And if yes, can they be kept with Gourami's? or tetras? etc...
You can keep just about everything with Blood Parrots....just as long as the fish isn't going to be too aggressive toward the Blood Parrot.
A school of tetras would be fine, just as long as they aren't so small that the BP eats them.
Gouramis would be totally fine.

Even if there was a slight amount of aggression....125 gallons is a decent amount of space, so the fish could have their own territories.
I would say its the other way round, BP's tend to be quite aggressive and often bully other fish.Only large tetras will not be eaten(black skirt, congo etc).Gouramis should be fine as they are quite aggressive too although I knew someone who had a kissing gourami with his BP and the be constantly attacked it.
Okay let me ask this, what would yall put with a BP in a 125g tank? By that I mean tetra's Danio's Gourami's etc...

EDIT:I'm going to be surprised if anybody can understand my english.

I've got 2 BP's who only ever "attack" when they're guarding their cave when the female's laid eggs - never had any fish injured or killed/eaten as yet (the male's even had a go at me, which was more of a shock than pain).

Mine currently live with Angelfish, Corys, Rainbowfish, Neon Tetras and a BN Plec with no problems (will date, as you never can tell with any fish, lol)
Okay let me ask this, what would yall put with a BP in a 125g tank? By that I mean tetra's Danio's Gourami's etc...

EDIT:I'm going to be surprised if anybody can understand my english.

My female lives with a texas cichlid hybrid, 6 clown loaches, a pair of convict cichlids, a BN pl*co and 3 siamese algae eaters.

Small ones can live with smaller fish (danios, tetras etc but once they grow large enough to eat them they will).
Are you interested in other cichlids?

or just the tetra/gourami type fish?

Gourami wise you could go with a pearl, moonlight, blue, or any of the others that grow to 5'' or more.

Tetra wise, you'll want something big enough not to be eaten, and fast enough not to be attacked.. I never had much luck putting tetras with my parrots.. Silver dollars are what I have now.
wait I can put silver dollars in with BP's? I'm just trying to look at my options that I have with a 125g I know I want BP's and I've put a stocking list together if I want Sa/CA cichlids. So I want more of community fish suggestionsthat would be ok with BP's.

PS:I promise my english isn't this bad in real life. :p
I've kept silver dollars and bps together, and have seen others do it as well..

If you're going to do it, just try not to get small silver dollars in case your parrot doesn't like them.
Okay tell me what yall think of this.
1 or 2 BP's
3 Silver Dollars(is that enough? to many?)
1 Kissing gourami
6 Congo Tetra's
6 Silver Hatchets
To many fish? Bad combination? If I can add more what can/should I add?
I'd probably leave out the hatchets based on the fact that they don't get very big.. might end up becoming food if the bp is aggressive.

I'd get at least 4 silver dollars..

other then that, it could work.. depending I guess on the aggressiveness of the bp and kisser.
i think this would b a better answer
iv kinda noticed that

What like a bad household or something? :lol:

KimA I think an angel will work, I have seen BP's kept with angels before with no problems.Actually I think you would be better substituting the angel for the kisser.I am also not a big fan of dollars, they do get quite big and tend to freak out and smash off things.

I would probably try.

1-2 BPs
1 Angel
6 Congo tetras
4 Rosy Barbs
1 Bristlenose pl*co/talking catfish/pictus catfish or some other small/med bottom feeder

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