Blood Parrots?


Fish Addict
Apr 27, 2006
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My LFS has this beautiful blood parrot that is not blood colored at all, it looks more like a German Blue rams skinwas put on it and anel fish fins put on it! it is beautiful (not dyed). I kind of want to buy it but.. are they good for small fish community tank?

and is it true they can't shut their mouth? poor freak fish. DO they seem pained or anything by their freaky mutations? i don;t wanna support something like that.
they should be ok but you would need a fairly large tank to keep them (50 gal min) in. also i think that is a disease the open mouth thing
nah I think it is a genetic defect.. they all can't completely shut their mouths..

and they do not eat small fish?
I have red that they a a cross between a red devil/midas cichlid and something else. They cant close their mouths all they way but it doesnt make them any less dangerous to unexpecting fish. They would not be the best choice for a community tank especially a small one. I think they can reach 6-8 inches. They look very good in a single species tank in a group.

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