Blood Parrots Still Shy?


New Member
Aug 11, 2006
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It's one month today that I have gotten my two bps. They do come out to eat, I house them in a 55gal US tank with some dithers. They just still seem so shy. :( They don't free swim unless I'm out of the room. They are in my computer room, where I am at quite a bit so they see me. I have terra cotta pots for them, plants etc. so they do have their hidey spots. Any suggestions?
Could there be something wrong with them? .. I know some of mine used to hide a lot and then die..

They could just be shy.. but might want to keep an eye on them to be sure
you know what i did when my parrots were still afraid of me
i sit right in front of them when i have time, like when im reading or eating
that way they get use to you :p
take the hiding spots out..heheh.. yup and starve em for three days.. that will show em whose boss.. :good:
Thanks all. I have green tiger barbs, tetras, and cory cats in the tank with them. I'm sure they are healthy. I will try not feeding them. I do feed them twice a day now.

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