Blood Parrots Are Acting Strange (bought Yesterday)


New Member
Oct 1, 2008
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I bought 2 blood parrots from petsmart cus the had the best colored ones i could find but here the thing i dunno whether they r getting used to the tank or whether they arent healthy or whether they dont like the other fish in the tank they are in a 50 gallon tank with barbs, 2 rams, and a pleco ANY ADVICE PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ :D thank you
:hi: to the forum,

what makes you think this what are they doing that apeers to be abnormal ??? are you new to fish keeping too ??
they are like pushing them selves against the corners and yeah i got my tanks like a month and a half ago

i dunno if its abnormal im just worried
they are like pushing them selves against the corners and yeah i got my tanks like a month and a half ago

i dunno if its abnormal im just worried

mmmm sounds as if they are unsure of their surroundings and trying to find some where to hide till they know its safe, how did you aclimatise them to your tank ???
set the bag in the top of the tank and let them get used to the water temp and then just ploped em in

they are just acting very skittish and scarred but its probally them getting used to it
So you didn't keep adding tank water to the bag gradually.
What the ph of the fish store to your tank.
All parrot fish are like this at the start, when young mine were extremely shy fish, don't worry.
Try and get them used to you through the use of food :lol:
set the bag in the top of the tank and let them get used to the water temp and then just ploped em in

they are just acting very skittish and scarred but its probally them getting used to it
i have no idea i didnt do any of that i just took them out of the bag and put them in

So you didn't keep adding tank water to the bag gradually.
What the ph of the fish store to your tank.
yeah i have tried feeding them but all my other fish get to it first and i dont want to over feed

and that makes me happy though as long as they arent always this shy
Every time I get new fish, I put them in a tank alone to quarantine them until I'm sure they are healthy. It would be horrible to unknowingly introduce some bug or disease to your other fish. Also, when I am adding the new fish to the tank, I roll the top of the bag so it makes the bag stay floating. I let the bag sit in the water for 20-30 minutes then do a partial water change in the bag. (Remove about 20% of the water and add water from the tank the fish is about to go in) Then I let it sit for another 30 minutes and repeat the water change. This allows the fish to gradually get acclimated to the new water and it won't be such a shock once they are released. After 5 water changes (3 hours of waiting total) I net the fish out of the bag and into the new tank. I always net and never ever add the bag water to the tank to minimize introducing bad things to the tank. I generally keep the fish quarantined for at least a week and I treat for ich and parasites even if I don't see signs of it just to protect all my fish. Since I've been using this method, I have not had any sickness or parasite problems in my tanks. (Except when I bred my bettas. My fry got a fungus, I think, from bad infusoria.)
Then, I suppose you'll just have to keep an eye out for potential problems. But, in the future, you should try to give your fish an easier welcome into your tank.
I bought 2 blood parrots from petsmart cus the had the best colored ones i could find but here the thing i dunno whether they r getting used to the tank or whether they arent healthy or whether they dont like the other fish in the tank they are in a 50 gallon tank with barbs, 2 rams, and a pleco ANY ADVICE PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ :D thank you

I fear you may have made the same sad mistake as I once did.

If those fish are anything other than yellow/orange, then they have almost certainly been dyed. Not good.

They will lose their colour inside of 6 months.

I bought 2 blood parrots from petsmart cus the had the best colored ones i could find but here the thing i dunno whether they r getting used to the tank or whether they arent healthy or whether they dont like the other fish in the tank they are in a 50 gallon tank with barbs, 2 rams, and a pleco ANY ADVICE PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ :D thank you

I fear you may have made the same sad mistake as I once did.

If those fish are anything other than yellow/orange, then they have almost certainly been dyed. Not good.

They will lose their colour inside of 6 months.

Well that would suck haha if it does happen im smack some one at petsmart

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