Blood Parrot?


Fish Herder
Mar 18, 2005
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So I've been saving up some money in the bank, and I have over $700, and I can't figure out what to do with it. I really wanted to get an oscar, but I think it would be cruel to put them in anything smaller then 75 gallons, and I don't want to get that big of a tank. I was thinking in the 50 gallon range. I've always thought the blood parrots at the lfs were cute. They mostly have the dyed ones (I'm going to have to talk to them about that!!!) but they usually carry the normal ones, too. I've read up a little bit about them, and will be reading more. Are they easy to keep? I've never kept a larger aggressive fish before, and I'm not too sure how many I could have in a 50 gallon or so tank. I read on the net that once you hit the 55 gallon mark, you can give each fish 10 gallons a peice. I wouldn't have 5 I don't think, they aren't exactly cheap. I heard there should be some dither fish with them, any suggestions on those? Thanks for any information :D

Oh, and I'm also going to read up on all the topics that have already been posted on them.
12"?? Really? Wow...I thought the larger ones I saw at the lfs were full grown, and they weren't even half of 12". I'm thinking that a 50 gallon would be too small then?
A single Parrot can live in a 50 gallon alone, though it sounds like a dull tank to me. Keep in mind that their growth slows considerably as they get larger, and the 12" is the size they reach by the end of a fairly extensive life span of more then 10 years.
ok here's what i know, parrots CAN get to 12 inches but DON'T ALWAYS get that size. Same type of thing happens with plecs.

Basically i've heard from many people that a 45 gallon tank is fine to keep one in, infact i could apparently keep a pair in my 45 gallon community tank.

keeping more than 1 can sometimes show their agression a little more as they pick on each other throughout the day then still sleep with each other at night (sounds like a bad marriage!)

Finally the deal with ditherfish are basically for parrots to take out some of their anger on these fish. Ditherfish are targets for attack but are rarely touched by the parrots as they are much quicker. Congo tetra make good ditherfish (thats what i've got in my tank) hope some of this helps!
ok here's what i know, parrots CAN get to 12 inches but DON'T ALWAYS get that size. Same type of thing happens with plecs.
True, but most will if they live long enough - the average size of many large fish is lower then it should be because the average aquarium fish doesn't see the full potential of it's life span - often because they're kept in inadequate aquariums. A 45 gallon for two Parrots is not adequate.
yeah sure, but it doesn't really bother me because i'm only gonna keep one. don't really wanna see all the fighting between the 2.
here is my thoughts on my parrot. he is the master of his current tank(55 Gallon). Right now he is with a single severum that was purchased at a smaller size than him but has since outgrown him. Dither fish are black skirt tetra and he generally completely ignores them unless they wander into his cave or eat food he had his eye on, then they are just chased off. There was a firemouth in this tank for a while, but due to his agression to the parrot he was moved. Strange heirachy:
Dominant > sub-dominant
Firemouth > Parrot
Parrot > Severum
Severum > Firemouth
IME not quite as agressive as labeled. but that will probably vary by fish.

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