Bloated Dwarf Neon Rainbow Fish


Fish Fanatic
Mar 20, 2008
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south lincs
I noted one of our dwarf neon rainbow fish was loking a bit fat yesterday. I think she is a female as has a narrower body than the others. We have had the DNRF for 1 month. They are very active and happy, eat very well.
Today she is stil very fat, she has eaten this morning - they were all hungry yesterday as it was their fast day. We feed them once a day- sinking discus grains (for our lazy barbs) ,flakes, cucumber, catfish pellets ,algae wafers on varying days and 2 days a week they have bloodworm or daphnia. One day a week nothing.
She ate this morning though possibly not quite as active as usual.

The tank is a 360l, the fish are in my profile.
Amm 0, nitrite 0, pH 7.5, nitrate 15-20 (tap has 10-15).
Test water every 2-3 days as only had fish since end march.
Water change 60l on tuesdays.

It looks normal with no worms,red anus,slime,spots. Don't see the DNRF poo very often.

How do I know if she is pregnant/constipated/or some sort of bacterial infection.
Should we isolate her..we have a 70l tank in the garage.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.

EDIT- been watching her and she does appear to be gasping.
Once they gasp not good they usually end up dying.
They can labour breath with bacterial infections.
Does the tummy look really bloated.
Are scales sticking out.
Have you been over feeding bloodworms.
What colour is the poo as long white stringy poo can be signs of constipation, bacterial infection, to internal parasites.
Ways to reduce swelling is epson salts baths is helps draw the fluids out.
Peas are good for constipation.
Female neon blue rainbows (Melanotaenia praecox) have yellow or orange fins and males have red fins.

If the fish is eating well then it won't be an internal bacterial infection. When they get dropsy they stop eating and puff up like a balloon.

Well fed mature female rainbows will always be carrying eggs inside them. They are serial spawners and breed each day for months at a time. The females simply produce new eggs each day for as long as the conditions remain good.

Rainbowfish need lots of vegetable matter in their diet. They will pick at plants or eat various fruit & veges. Try offering them different things like pumpkin, zucchini, peas, etc. You can feed these things raw or partially cooked.
Try not to feed them on the red bloodworms because these can cause problems to rainbowfish. Daphnia, mozzie larvae, brineshrimp and mysis shrimp are all fine to feed

If it has an internal infection then chances are the bacteria that caused it will already be in the tank water. I would feed her some vegetable matter and see how she goes. If she stops eating then isolate her in a quarantine tank.
Thanks, I'm sure its a she though they are still quite young but her fins are much more yellow in colour. We only feed bloodworm once a week Had about 8 days ago- though will stop if they shouldn't have them.
She has not got any scales sticking out at all and as I haven't seen her poo.

She is still swimming around but is opening and closing her mouth much more than the others so I assume that is what is meant bygasping. I put a tiny bit of flake near her and she was straight up for it and gobbled it down. She is looking like our female platys when they are pregnant. The other feamale DNRF is not looking fat.

I hope she hasn't got a bacterial infection they spread quickly through tanks....aaagh.
I would cook some frozen peas for a few minutes, let cool down and pop out of shell, mush between fingers into small peices and add to the tank.
Bacteria can gain entry through cuts and wounds.
To dilute bacteria in a tank you do some daily water changes.
Bacteria thrives in highter temps.
We've put her in our spare tank. Temp in both normaly 24-26.

I/ve put some peas in- when she first saw fod she went mad ....but spat them out...I guess she doesn't like peas!

I've gone and got some epsom salts and some interpet anti bacteria no.9 in case. When would I use these and whats the dose for epsom salts.The tank she is in is a 60 litre.

Fingers crossed. Have done a big water change on the main tank as well.
She's just been to the toilet and it looked normal. Hasn't made her any thinner though. She is still swimming on the lookout for food and tasting anything that resembles it. Still lots of mouth opening though.
I don't hold out much hope to be honest once there bloated and heavy breath they tend not
to make it.
Good luck, fingers crossed bless her.
she could just be fat with eggs and have gill flukes. The flukes woud make her breathe heavily (gasp).
Fish can labour breath with bacterial infections.
Check the gills over to see if there pale with excess mucas or red and inflamed.
Errrr . . . why's nobody picking up on the obvious? Fish is gasping. Solution? Increase aeration . . . might actually stop the gasping and save the fish's life. A defeatist attiutde won't.

The bloating could still be constipation, but feeding it at this time ain't gonna help. Starve the fish for 3 days, then try again with the peas - deshelled, mushed, blanched (boiled) peas. Feed the fish peas for 3 days.
If it was lack of 02 would of expected more fish to be gasping.
Errrr . . . why's nobody picking up on the obvious? Fish is gasping. Solution? Increase aeration . . . might actually stop the gasping and save the fish's life. A defeatist attiutde won't.
I think that was uncalled for we are trying are best.
If it was lack of 02 would of expected more fish to be gasping.
Errrr . . . why's nobody picking up on the obvious? Fish is gasping. Solution? Increase aeration . . . might actually stop the gasping and save the fish's life. A defeatist attiutde won't.
I think that was uncalled for we are trying are best.

I'm sorry I offended you Wilder. :) That wasn't my intention.

However, the fact that there's only one fish gasping doesn't mean oxygen saturation isn't low. Rainbows are from high-oxygen-saturation waters. The suffering fish, is a rainbow. Putting her in another tank hasn't made any difference and there was still no mention of increasing aeration. Excrement from the fish hasn't shown any signs of bacterial infection.
I'm sorry sometimes when there lots of post you forget to ask some questions.

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