Bloated Betta


Fish Fanatic
May 13, 2021
Reaction score
United States

He's in an uncycled 15 gal while i treat for his fins...
Ammonia: 0.25
Nirites: 0
Nitrates: 0
50% water changes every other day.
is the tank cycled?? .25 for ammonia is dangerous. do 50% water changes daily

also how much do you feed him and why is the water that color
Not cycled. Will do 50% water changes from every day from now on. Is it safe to just transfer him to the main tank in this condition? if ammonia is the issue, I can do that. I feed him 3 or 4 flakes once a day.
I think he looks like he has swim bladder, what are his symptoms? How long have you had him? Did he have any signs of ailment when you purchased him? If it is swimbladder, try giving him a boiled pea without the shell. Just a bit of the pea will act as a laxative, swimbladder is often caused by overfeeding but the ammonia in the tank can also cause health issues, faster I'd say than overfeeding can. Daily water changes do wonders whenever you are in doubt about your fishes health, I reccomend starting there and let him fast 2 days and watch if hes pooping and if the swelling is going down. 2 days of not eating will not kill the betta, I regularly fast all of mine as betta are prone to swimbladder, probably due to the high rate that they are commercially bred-lowering their immune system.

What else is living in the main tank? How many gallons does the fish usually live in? Water parameters for the main?

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