Bloated Betta


Jan 8, 2014
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I put a little bit of an algae wafer in my tank for my snails and my shrimp and I think my betta has been picking at it because he is super bloated. I don't think my local pet store sales daphnia (because I've looked and can't find any). Other than fasting him what can I do to unbloat him? His poor tummy is really round :(. It's not affecting his swimming yet so that's good but I know bloat and betta's can be a really bad combo.
If you can't get daphnia the only other route to take is peas.
Also you can add a drop of cod liver oil to the fish mouth but you can't feed the fish for a few days afterwards.
Plus it means taking the fish out of the tank and wrapping in a cloth soaked in tank water to apply the cod liver oil to the fish mouth.
If you decide to feed the betta peas you just drop a few frozen peas in boiling water for a few minutes. Let cool down. Then pop the pea out of it's shell.
chop into small pieces and feed. Remove uneaten peas after a few hours.
Will canned peas work? I have canned peas but not frozen...
If you just fast him for a few days and wait for his belly to go down he should be fine, I have never fed my betta canned peas only frozen but if the peas are just in water and no salt they should be ok, I have this issue with my angels that share a tank with a bristlenose plec they like to eat her algae wafers too 
I would just start off with fasting him for a few days.  If this just happened, I wouldn't worry too much unless his belly does not go down with fasting or if he starts to act sick.  Bettas do like to nibble on algae wafers. No idea for sure why but all of mine do it.  Doesn't seem to hurt them except they do get a bit of a big belly for a few days. 
After just one day of fasting his tummy has shrank considerably so I think I'll fast for a day more and then get back to his feeding regiment.
I put a little bit of an algae wafer in my tank
My Betta seems to love nibbling on Hikari  Algae wafers,  I put the whole wafer in rather than break it up.
The shrimp and snails won't eat a whole wafer and I don't want it to foul up my water so I only put pieces of a wafer in.
Between 2 BN plecs 3 snails and about 5 shrimp I put 3 Hikari Algae wafers into the tank everyother day on a little ceramic plate ( from one of those kids sets ) It vanishes fast. BN plecs never seem to stop eating and the snails are not much better, I also give then things like zuccini Brussels sprouts I only leave those in the tank 3 or 4 hours at most.
Glad to hear he's back to normal.

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