

Jun 2, 2004
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B.C. Canada
my sisters betta was floating...

i tapped the side of his tank and he moved.... but when he swims he floats straight back up to the top..

jungle fungus eliminator treats bloat .. but it says bloat (dropsy)

and ive heard how bad dropsy is... is bloat the same thing?
he could have swim bladder or if there is an airstone, he might have swallowed a bubble or two (which will pass)
when it says dropsy 9bloat), it means the fish is bloated looking, not tha the fish is floating.
there is no cure for dropsy sadly. but i dont think the betta has dropsy.
theres no air stone...

i know bloat means bloated... i was just saying..

when he tries to swim down he floats right back to the top...

i put in the meds and some salt... and i guess we will hope for the best... hes the oldest betta in the house.... hopefully he will pull through..

i guess i shouldnt feed him ?
too late..

i grabbed a pea from the freezer, popped it, and watchtd it sink to the bottom.. he sorta nipped at it once lol..
Bettas are often subject to constipation, that can end up as Dropsy. Although they say Dropsy is incurable, in it's early stages, it is -- and in my mind bloat and dropsy are the same thing. I used Kanaplex by Seachem for the betta I keep for a coworker at the office (in combination with Pepso food, see below).

Now, in terms of swim bladder, there can be multiple issues here. The best thing you can do is the pea -- use a frozen pea, but thaw it and rub the skin off of it -- then drop it in. Do not feed the betta anything else but the pea for several days.

I also suggest Pepso Food by Jungle labs to keep on hand. This I used in combination with the Kanaplex. This has an antibiotic, but mostly is used to clear out the system.

After that be careful that you feed your betta a varied diet, and do not overfeed.
Piscesgirl gave good advice. Fast the betta for a day or so. Shell a pea and give it to him. He should recover within a couple of days as long as you do not over feed him.

This happened to my betta, or he was like that when I bought him, and he fully recovered. We haven't had any other problems. The LFS that I purchased him from feeds them brine shrimp, which is known for causing swim bladder problems, so that was probably the culprit (in my case).

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