

New Member
Mar 15, 2009
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Hi I have two small yellow goldfish which I have had for just over a month now. They are in a 7 gallon tank with a rena filter and an air stone. I do regular partial water changes and add tapsafe. I have just started using King British safe water because I was informed this was better. I also add some tonic salt now and again. I noticed this morning one of the fish has a 'bubble' under its chin, it is pinky red in colour. He sometimes makes jerky movements and flicks himself around. If you could possibly point me in the right direction as to what the 'bubble' is I would be grateful
Goldfish should be kept in a minimum of 50 gallon as they will grow to be large, goldfish bowls are completely unsuitable and cause the fishes growth to be stumped which will lead to an early death due to improper organ development. Probably a small infection so do a general bacterial medication course and I implore you to provide a larger home or return the fish and choose ones which are more suitable as there are plenty of other beautiful options.
poor water quality im matter how often you change the water the bacteria will keep building because these small fish are really messy and the only real solution is a larger tank with a lot of filtration.

sadly pet shops just see goldies as their bread and butter fish..every customer will be guaranteed to come back for meds, bigger tanks or more fish as they die..without knowing the real cause as to why their fish get diseases...

goldies grow fast in the first 3 or 4 years and as such need the size of home youd give an oscar...people would flip if someone put an oscar never mind 2 into a 7 gallon bowl....these arent cheap pets to keep...

for a 7 gallon i would only keep maybe 5 minnows.
Goldfish should be kept in a minimum of 50 gallon as they will grow to be large, goldfish bowls are completely unsuitable and cause the fishes growth to be stumped which will lead to an early death due to improper organ development. Probably a small infection so do a general bacterial medication course and I implore you to provide a larger home or return the fish and choose ones which are more suitable as there are plenty of other beautiful options.

Hi thanks for your reply

The bubble disappeared the next day and have had no further problems. I intend on getting a bigger tank as soon as I can get enough money together for one. I am quite attached to the wee fellas so taking them back isn't an option. They are only about 2 inches long just now but I really do want a bigger tank eventually.

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