Blind Tetras


Fish Aficionado
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Near Madison, WI
Saw the most peculiar little batch of fish at PetWorld the other day.
A tank full of little guys bashing into each other, but happily going on their way. In fact, if you put your ear up to the tank you could hear little "excuse mes", "pardon mes", and "oh, so sorrys" coming from the tank.

What adorable little creatures.
Blind with absolutely no eyes whatsoever.
It was almost inspirational.

Did they look like this:

These are blind cave fish. Born with eyes, I belive, but they are absorbed (or something like that). Get along fine without them though. I did, however, see one spinning like a torpedo through a tank!

Well, if you could see the way I look in at my bettas ever night from the outside of the glass, I'm quite certain they do call me ugly inside their heads.

I was almost tempted to bring them all home from the LPS I worked at when I used to work there. I woulc have to clean the tank and when I put my arm in to scrub the glass, they would all charge at me and peck at my arm. They didn't know if I was food or a predator! :lol:
That's sweet! How funny. heh heh
I bet when something goes in the tank they all yell "FOOOOD" and they all come running....

EWWWWWW :crazy:
We went to a cabin that had a pond outside when we were kids.
We all took the paddleboat out and jumped on in the water.

THEN we realized this pond was INFESTED with those things - I have had nightmares over those things. You've never seen little girls go flying so fast or scream so loud as that day. talk about the WILLIES. eek

but, there you go.
That is the perfect example you were looking for amazingbio!

amazingbioloboydp @ Mar 16 2005, 05:51 AM

wow...nice...taking sarcasm to the next level, eh?
well. I WAS assuming we were still talking about blind cave tetras...

Ask and you shall receive, my dear ;)

ps - i wasn't trying to be sarcastic. it just made me think of those horriffic little buggers that came chasing me out of the pond. :hyper:
Hi BettaMomma :)

Blind Cave Tetras are great little fish. They are active and always fun to watch. They are sturdy little fish and easy to care for. They always draw comments from anyone seeing them in my tank.

However, when I had my community tank going, my betta Ruby was in there with them. They were the only ones in the whole tank that Ruby didn't like. He would back up when he saw them coming, like he was afraid they would accidentally bite him or something. Of course they never did, but it bothered him. :(

Here's my favorite link about them:

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