Blind Matae?


Fish Addict
Dec 30, 2006
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i have three matae cories and Wyatt and Virgil are doing great, but poor Morgan doesn't look so good (what's the bet it's the name?). where the other guys have white on their eyes, Morgan's is black. I'm wondering if maybe he's blind due to that. He doesn't move around alot.

I don't have the exact readings on my tank, but everything's been stable since we've had it set up (week after Christmas) and nothing has changed (except adding fish here and there).

I've never seen any of the other fish pick on anyone (minus the sparkling gourami when my male guppy tried to breed with him :lol: my male guppy's missing a small chunk of his tail now...) and Morg is missing a little bit of the top of his fin. I luffers my Morg, I don't want him to die :sad: .

edit: if you're wondering how they got the names, it's from Tombstone.
I'll try to get pictures, my camera's battery is dead and I can't find any batteries in my house.
update: morg's doing much better today, though his eyes still look funny. he's much more active than he was before.
new edit: morgan, virgil and wyatt were moved to my fry tank. it's a little small for them, but my gouramis were picking on morg and i wasn't going to move just him. i'm going to try to rehome the gouramis and get new cories, maybe something else for my tank.

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