blind fish?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 10, 2004
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
As I went to feed my fish and found that my platies and cories(in my 10G tank) were not their usual selves. After observing them for a while when i dropped in their fish flakes, i noticed that the platies were swimming about not snapping up the flakes and that the flakes all hit the bottom of the tank (not usually the case). I suspected that they cound not see so I dipped my net into the tank and all the fish did not dash away as they always would when i stuck the net into the tank.

I then proceeded to stick my hand into the tank and I was able to touch my cories and platies with my finger(they usually dart away whenever i poke my hand in the tank!). I checked my pH, nitries and Ammonia levels (I don't have a nitrAte test kit or any other water parameter test kits) and they were now I blame the small piece of plastic piping that I added 2 days ago for their (possible) blindness. (I did rinse it but not too much)

Could anyone help by letting me know how to tell if my poor fish are blind or more importantly, if they will be able to recover? I also did a 5% water change since I was not sure if the piping that I had contained some harmful chemicals.

Has anyone else had this problem?
hello Harried_mom, Yes i removed the pipe immediately....when I noticed the problem, did another water change today and am just keeping an eye on these guys.....I hope that I am just being overcautious.....I will try to feed them later and watch to see if they rush to feed like normal.

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