Blind Cave Tetra


Fish Fanatic
Mar 8, 2006
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blind cave tetras are cool i've not heard anyone mention them so thought i would ask ;)

I've not got them however they were my third fish.
big mistake for a newbie.
they ate all the fins of every other fish I had :sly:

they maybe blind but they are evil, evil I tell you!
Lol Wolf! :p
I don't have any but have seen them in a fish shop near by and they look really crazy!
It's up to you if you want them or not but Wolf's advice is normally right- Perhaps get them and if they start to play up find a place for them :nod:
Blind but definately not defenseless, iv seen them in lfs shredding bettas, angles, gouramis, even some cichlids, probably best in a species tank or purhaps just a really large community.
I have 2 in my 80 gallon with rasboras and tetras including Congos and havnt had any problems with them. I have had them in the past and they proved to be a nightmare but they were in smaller tanks than I have now.

They do have a nip at my hands every time I go into the tank to do anything (I think I must taste nice :lol: ).
I have three in a very large community tank and they are also large now and I have no problems with them they are ones I enjoy watching as they are active and yes they nibble when you put your hands in the tank.
They are with white clouds many types of tetras, swordtails, silver dollars,gouramis,bristle noses, clown loaches, kuhli loaches, cuckoo catfish,upsidedown cats, pakisanti loaches, sailfin mollies and many types of corey cats and I even have babies constanly in my weed. I just measured them and the smallest is 8cm in length.
already got em, well one had him for a couple months. he hangs out with my femail green tiger barb:wub: . when i turn on the twilight lamp you cant sperate the two. the only nipping i've seen was when i first got the tiger barbs till i got a couple more :thumbs:
thanks for the info had not head of that in all the books i have read ;)
I have thought of getting some more but they are so tiny compared to what I am use to looking I am thinking of setting up another tank and if I do I will be putting more in there as I really do like them.

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