Blind Cave Fish


Fish Fanatic
Sep 9, 2007
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Liverpool, England
i've completely fallen in love with blind cave fish and i'd really like some to add to my growing collection and i was wondering if they need any special care or anything because of the whole cave thing and like what would make suitable tankmates for them? cos i don't wanna put them in with fish that'll pick on them cos they can't see. also, can you put them in a community tank? i don't think i will cos i think they'll look nice in their own tank (and it's a good excuse to get another tank).
and also, if i were to put them into a separate tank, which plecs or corys etc would be suitable?

all advice is welcome and much appreciated :D
If we're talking about the pink, blind form of Astyanax mexicanus, they're pretty easy to keep.

Sociable but boisterous; keep in groups and away from slow/long-finned fish because they tend to nibble at anything they bump into. They aren't aggressive, but are VERY active at feeding time. Make good companions for catfish and other things that stay out of the midwater area. Plecs and Synodontis for example would be ideal. Corydoras should be okay, but I'm not 100% sure.

Prefers hard, alkaline, not too warm (~24 C) water. Omnivore, though wild fish feed (apparently entirely) on bat droppings!

They look fantastic in "cave" tanks -- black sand, lots of upright slates and rocks, dim lighting. Maximum size in aquaria is around 8 cm, so the tank doesn't need to be huge. Quite uncanny how they navigate and find food, hence their ubiquity in public aquaria as "showpiece" fish.

Cheers, Neale

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