Fish Gatherer
Okay so I have been monitoring Puck's behavior and I used to feed him with a dropper and ever since I lost the dropper I've been just dropping the frozen bloodworms in there for him. I figured he has been eating them because they were disappearing but he started to become really thin so I started to monitor his eating and when I would drop them in there right next to his face he wouldn't eat them and he wouldn't even know they were right next to him. So I splashed my finger around to make vibrations in the water and he finally figured out food was there. His eyes look the same as when I got him. They are a light blue color and were always different from my other betta's eyes. Is there anything I should do for him? Or anyhing I should look for to make sure he is blind? Water params are all fine 5 na 0ni 0am he is kept in a filtered 10 gallon with live plants and about 10 ghost shrimp.