bleach - is it safe to use??


Mar 31, 2004
Reaction score
Wiltshire, UK
I have two platy fry in my net breeder. One has been in there for about 2 weeks the other 2 days.

The net is getting really filthy and I have just removed it to clean it. I am using tap water but will soak it in treated water for a while before putting it back in.

Q. Can I use bleach to clean it??

I know that some people have said they use bleach to clean second hand tanks out and just rinse them well afterwards but I want to check for sure.


Cava :fish:
Bleach can be used, but I prefer not to use it on porous things--you never can be sure the bleach hasn't soaked in. Instead, I would soak it in hot water with oxyclean, or a similar product. then rinse. The oxylcean won't soak in, so no worries about chlorine.
Basically, powdered peroxide. It cleans with oxygen, very effectively. Lacking a similar product, I would doak the net in hydrogen peroxide, fresh stuff, nothing that's been sitting open for more than 6 weeks. Soak, rinse, and you're good to go.
They sell oxyclean in the uk - its with bleach/washing powder etc. Just lookf or anything with 'oxy-xxxx' in the name...then have a quick check of the active ingredients..

aj xx
Ok agree kind of,

but to be really sure you would have to sinse your item (net, whatever) through with about 150 litres of water to be certain that all the bleach has gone. No joke.

(For the more mathematical, and chemists, it the molar content of bleach)

I know that sounds really unlikely, and very sad of me to know.

Tap water contains enought chlorine to either kill or damage a bacterial colony enough that you should not worry.

Feel free to tell me to shut up.... :D
So, Moving Shadow, I should stay well clear of bleach but use........

P.S. sorry for the delay - was away the weekend unexpectedly. Have now cleaned the net in just tap water and then dechlorinator but it is not truely clean and I have other stuff ornaments etc to get clean in the future. :)

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