Blanket Weed / Algae


Fish Crazy
Nov 17, 2010
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Sunny Liverpool
I have a real problem with blanket weed/ algae not sure which it is, I have a filter with a uv attached and the water is crystal clear but the sides of the pond the plant baskets and even the plants themselves get covered in this green slimy stringy stuff,, I rub it off and clean the filter every week because it clogs it up that much, I even drained it earlier in the year and scrubbed the thing out but its come back with a vengence again, it really does make me feel like filling the pond in!
Pond owners now how much can be harmful biological blanket weed. These filamentous algae, also known as string algae. There are three major factors make this flourish, harmful algal ponds, nutrients, temperature, and crystal clear water. When all three factors of a pond, it really happened algae in a very short period of time. Next, we need to understand blanket weed control.
* Nutrients:
* High Temperatures
* Clear Water.

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