Blackwater Extract


Mar 8, 2006
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Has anyone here ever used or tried useing Blackwater Extract in their pleco tanks? I saw that in a store and thought hmm, maybe the fish would like that. ^_^

It says on the back "Blackwater Extract contains trace elements, vitamins, and valuable extract of peat. It creates an enviroment similar to parts of the amazon river and other natural, blackwater biotopes. Blackwater extract promotes fish activity levels. When adding to an aquarium A light yellow color will apear. Blackwater Extract is an Excellent conditioner for all soft water fishes including discus, angelfish, tetras, and killifish."

I was thinking of putting some in my 30 gallon, but I wanted to know what you all thought. Would the pleco like it? Hate it? Not care either way? Anyone ever done it before?
Should I assume from the lack of a response that no one knows or has tried this to see if Pleco's like it or not? :/
Hi Sanadi

Perhaps try joining and posting this on A forum all for plecos with plenty of knowledgable peeps. I'm sure someone will have tried this. :)
I'm sorry, I didn't reply because I have no experience with Blackwater extract as I use bogwood which leeches the tannins and therefore don't see the need for it. :good:
I have use blackwater extract (in conjunction with peat filtration and bogwood) in a tank that had plecos in it
they, like all the other fish, seemed to thrive in it.
I believe they originated in deep mud holes steeped with wood so would like very nice in a tank steeped with black water extract and loads of wood.

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