Wow - interesting info! Thanks black angel!
Here's a copy and paste of the info on that stuff:
"Science bit:
Within the (melanin) cell resides thousands of granules of pigment. This is how fish and more commonly amphibians change colour to evade predators. They are stimulated by adrenalin; migrate to the center of the cell, and thus lightening the colour of the skin tissue. The cell can also disperse the pigment making a darker colouration. The pigments can also be agitated by other chemicals in the body. Black Pigment cells (ormelanophores) respond to the presence of Leukine (a chemical used to attract fibroblasts, the cells used to repair damaged tissue.) Consequently the containing cell goes black, rather than just darker or lighter when the pigment migrates.
Often a paling of the skin followed by black patches on body, usually on back or sides of fish.
Usually from a chemical or traumatic irritant or injury, due to:
• An ammonia surge (irritation)
• low pH (irritation)
• Fluke infestation (trauma)
• Ick or costia infection (trauma)
• Certain Medications (irritation).
I.e. If you bring a fish home from the LFS that has been kept in poor water conditions, and your tank water is far better, the black spots will appear as the fish heals.
Time frame:
Black spots come up over a period of 1-2 weeks, and after approx 7 days begin to fade, returning the fish to its normal colour. The black colouring appears as the fish heals, so its appearance is normally a sign that conditions have improved. Within 3 to 6 weeks the fish should be returned to normal colouration."
It seems like it makes sense - the black stuff seems to get worse as they come to live with me (most of these fish have come from WalMart - big surprise that the get this after they get in the water I provide for them UUGH). Apparently it comes out darker as their water conditions improve and doesn't start up until they're healing - so it's a very good thing! So I guess eventually it will get lighter, or go away according to that website.
Thanks again b.a.!
Mystery solved!