Black Tahitian Moon Sand


Nov 18, 2010
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hello, im planning on geting around 6 corys and would like to use this sand but after googling i see many different opinions so i thought id check with the experts. is it safe to use?
I'd say your corys will be ok with it. :good: What corys do you want to get?
I'd say your corys will be ok with it. :good: What corys do you want to get?

3 albino and 3 panda i think, my local store has a great selection of corys so i might change my mind once i get there :)
each species of cory should be in groups of 5+ so I would only get 6 Panda Corys :rolleyes:
The tahitian moon sand is fine for cories. My guys are very happy on it, nice long barbels, no problems.

I agree with Carlovel1 by the way, definitely opt for 6 of one species rather than 3 of each.
gonna drive me mad trying to pick one kind lol, but i will follow your advice
You'll thank yourself in the long run. They look so much better in one big group, and often act alot more natural and alot more confident.

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