black spots


Fish Fanatic
Dec 14, 2004
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ive noticed that my clown loach has gottten tiny black spots do you know what they are ????
he is on his own at the moment as i had a illness that wiped out his buddies :rip:
i am getting some more but he is 7" and mates are expensive i have had him for about 6 yrs
Black spots are a parasite and easily cured.
Uvulifer ambloplitis (Black spot disease)

A. Digenetic fluke; metacercaria infect fish.

B. Herons and kingfishers are the definitive host, snails are the first intermediate host. Fish are the second intermediate host.

C. Clinically the fish have numerous black to brown spots up to 1 mm (dia) over the skin, gills and eyes. The spots contain a metacercaria surrounded by heavily pigmented fibrous connective tissue.
i have just googled the latin name you suplied for the black spot disease and no i dont think that this is the cause they are not raised or around the eyes also they are far smaller than the pics of infected fish suppiled :unsure:
Never had black spots so couldn't say, hope you find the answer to your problem, good luck.
I have black spots on an angel fish. Almost looks like ich but black. It is not on fins gills or eyes either. Just the back half of the body. My other fish are not effected. I have treated four times with parasite rid by jungle. These spots will not go away, but seem not to bother the fish at all.

They just appeared suddenly, its been atleast two months now with no change. I'm just observing now and have discontinued treatments.

I think blackspot disease only effects salt water fish according to an aquarium book I have?
we've had 2 zebra danios that had a black spot on their sides, they both ended up with dropsy & dying ( about 2 months after we noticed the spots)- i have no idea what it was but the spots they had were about 2mm big, quite big on a little danios body & they both only had one spot each (does that make sense???) sorry i hate to sound negative with no useful advice at all but im just sharing what happened to us :( good luck i hope someone else has some more useful advice for you

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