Black Spots


Fish Fanatic
Jul 11, 2004
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One of my fish has like 8 black spots on it all next to each other. Is this something i should be worried about. Could this and my other angelfish be infected, with a parasite please help before its to late
Found on the net

Black Spot Disease

Small, black specks on skin.

What do I do for Tropical / Freshwater Fish / Aquariums?
Use Parasite Guard or Parasite Clear Tank Buddies to safely and effectively treat black spot disease; Also helps protect against secondary infections; No need to raise the water temperature; Harmless to fish, plants and biological filter beds.
no they are black def.

On one side they look like this

. . . Just in a staight line, and on the other side they look like this .
. . .

There are only 7 i can see right now. But the bad news is that i dont have a Hospital tank right now, wait wait i have my neighbors 6 gallon, but can i put an angelfish in that. And the main tank is right now being treated for popeye, I dont know what to do please help
let me guess ur the one with 4 angelfish in a 29 gal. Then u changed ur name because we caught u lying about having 3 29 gal. tanks. If I'm wrong its an honest mistake. But I fell I'm right and we warned you not to buy more fish, and you were having other desease problems too correct. The big crazy avatar gave u away buddy. lol :rofl:
Nope not that , but can you help me out with this problem jimmy before it is to late
o no i like the big things because i can change them to my mood on how i feel today, its like a mood ring avator

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