Black Spot/Swimbladder Disease?

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May 23, 2004
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Well, I am wondering if my fish have black spot, as the two tiger barbs appear to have black spots on them. I have heard that black spot is a salt water disease, does it also affect freshwater (or are the black spots on my tiger barbs normal?). One of them is acting weard, as I have stated in my earlier post.

Also, the tiger barb when "hovering", seems to have his bum up in the air. Could it be swimbladder disease instead?

Cheers, Rob
Yes freshwater fish can get black spot but it is not usually harmful to the fish. The parasites will die off all by themselves if left alone. However the fish often get itchy and tend to scratch on various surfaces in the tank and get stressed. This is a parasite so use any parasite med if your fish seem stressed by this. Also quite often the carriers are snails, so if you have any it might be a good idea to get rid of them if the black spot comes back. HTH :)
Is it possible that the black spots are simply black scales between stripes?

As for tiger barbs swimming nose down, there was a long discussion on this here:

Long and short of it is that tiger barbs do the butt-up face-down wiggle hang when they aren't doing so hot. Mine did it when some limestone fossil rock I had in there jacked the pH way up.

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