Black Skirt (widow) Tetra Problems?


Fish Addict
Jan 6, 2007
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Hey, got a 10gallon tank with 3 black skirt tetras and I was thinking of adding some neon tetras too it, however I've heard that black skirt tetras full grown will eat neons... any suggestions on a tetra that wouldn't be eaten? Or is the Black skirt eating a neon even true??

I was thinking if I can't have neons, then mabye Zebra Danios? Would those be fine with black skirt tetras?
black skirts are nippy but dont eat other tetras *unless they are dead*

All tetras like to be in groups so maybe add a few more
I keep black skirts, they never are agressive (maybe its all the surrounding monsters, there with oscars, pacu, and arowanas)
I had a big black skirt at one point, i'd say he was about 2" (he got some sort of fungus and died a day later :() I also had 6 neons in with him, and he never even so much as looked at them. Danios should also be fine with black skirts.
Most tetras are not agressive, and these species should be fine together. However, both are shoalers and like to be in groups of at least 6-8 fish. Two shoals like that would overstock your tank. Maybe you can put more black skirts to get to 6 fish, and add a centerpiece, such as a small male gourami.

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