Black Skirt Tetras Question


Fish Fanatic
Aug 4, 2007
Reaction score
Niagara Falls, New York
I got 2 black skirt tetras from the LFS today (she sold them to me as tiger barbs though) My question is how do I tell if they are male or female? If they are pregnant (the swordtails I bought a few weeks ago gave birth the other day)?
If you have any other info feel free to share.

Thank You
"Female black widows are generally larger than the males and have a rounder body. In the female the anal fin runs parallel with the vertical black stripe in her abdomen.
Males are smaller, have a broader anal fin, and a narrower more pointed dorsal fin. Males occasionally have white spots on the caudal fin" freshwater aquariums

hope that helps ;)

and i suggest keeping the black skirts in a groups of 4-5 as they are schooling fish. Also from my experience the males will generally tend to find a territory for itself, if not in a school.
Yeah keeping them in a larger group is better. Like a lot of Tetras they can be a bit nippy with long finned fish so keep a watch on your swordtails tails.
Agreed, they're nippy wee gets! I had 2 and took them back to the LFS (in my defence I rescused them both), they gave my angel fish a terrible time. If you have room, get another 4 for them to school with, they'll be much happier. If you don't have space, take them back, they'll be much happier and so will the rest of your fish!
i can see in ur sig that its a 75 gallon.
Just keep it well planted with bogwood rocks etc. and nipping shouldn't occur.

Like i said if not kept in a school nipping generally tends to happen (although in a 75 gallon i doubt it will)
If kept in a school of lets say 5 you will actually see them interacting with each other, and being active fish you will really enjoy a school.

if kept in a school (i believe u have room for it since u have a 75'er with 4 swordtails and 2 tetras) they will be much happier, you will be much happier, and the swordtails will be much happier.
I really advise you adding another 3 skirts :nod:
Thank you for your replies. Yes my tank is a 75 gallon. So far the 2 black skirt ignore each other and everything else. I hope they'll do Ok together until friday when I can go get some more of them. I am still not sure if they are males or females. Both of them have the same fins so I am thinking they are both the same sex, just not sure which.

I am pretty new to the fish tank thing. I have had it running for about a month now. But I LOVE it LOL.

Thank You again for your replies and Help
if u want us to ID them just post pics.
im guessing if they both r ignoring each other, they both might be males.

anyways good luck, and good choice getting more :good:
Here is a Picture of one of them. Thank You again

Well earlier today the tetras attacked one of my swordtails (one that I bought the same day as the tetras) :angry: :angry: The swordtail ended up dying. I am calling the LFS tomorrow morning to see if I can exchange them for more swordtails since they are all the same price. For tonight I put the Tetras in the fry net. I hope my LFS will let me exchange them.
if the LFS doesnt let you replace them, then i suggest adding more skirts, that way the agreesion will reduce.
They let me exchange them but she wasnt to happy about it. When I called she tried telling me that the tank is labeled to buy in groups of 6 or more. (which it wasnt) even once I got there it still wasnt labeled that. It was labeled "community". So I proved her wrong LOL. After that she decided to be a little nicer

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