black skirt tetra


May 13, 2004
Reaction score
Manitoba, Canada
I was recomminded by a sales person at the LFS to puchase a school of black skirt tetras to balance out my over aggressive three spot gouramis problem.
I was wondering about the temperment of these fish and how large they grow.
did not want to jump into a hasty purchase without finding out the facts first :)
I was wondering about the temperment

Great that you're first looking info before buying :thumbs: Yep, don't buy these fish because they probably may start to snap gouramis' fins. Size is about 2,2".

over aggressive three spot gouramis problem.

Do you have one or more of these gouramis? Trichogaster trichopterus is known to be a little aggressive fish, especially if you have two males. It's often recommended to keep 1 male + 2-3 females, tank size about 200 liters and more. But it also can be kept alone. Fish is suitable in common tanks too, because it doesn't harass other fishes.
I've never found them to be any trouble, but I have never kept them with long finned fish. That species of gourami is a well known trouble source.
Jiust to answer the perviously stated question currently I have only two gouramis in the tank a three spot and the cosby they are both females.
I had some black skirts and have only 1 now. These fish are not at all aggresive and I would think that the gouramis would go after the tetras fins rather than the other way around.
I have black skirt tetras and I have never had a problem with aggression. They are a good fish because they are not aggressive but wont let themselves be bullied. But I do agree that the tetras they may try to go after the gourami fins.
Hi. I've got 6 black skirt/widow tetras.
they're one of the most placid fish in my tank. I have had my fins nipped, but I think it's my tigers, not the skirts.
The only agression I've seen from skirts is one female chasing away the other skirts, but she is extremely fat, and i read they do that when they want to spawn.
I have one gold gourami (3"long) and it is also extremely placid. I have never seen any aggression whatsoever from the gourami.
And like I said, I think the fin nipping issue is the tigers, it's only a recent occurance which I'm confused about.
Black skirts tend to keep to themselves, in there own little groups.
I really like them. They're pretty and a cute little fish.
I would reccommend getting them. They will lively up your tank, compared to the slow moving of the gourami. (mine's slow anyway).
Hope that helps you.
Let us know if you get the skirts ;)
Black skirts are not just peaceful, they're actually timid and very skittish. They wouldn't attack each other or their tank inhabitants, unlike other types of tetras. :no: If your gouramis are territorial and aggressive, it's not a good idea to add these guys. :no:
I have a blackskirt tetra with a gourami in my brothers tank. They dont bother eachother at all. Theyve never nipped at eachother or anything. And there was an agressive gourami as well, and they never attacked eachother or hurt eachother. So I'd say from experiance that you could keep them together. It really depends on the fish though.

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