Black Skirt Tetra Problem


Fish Fanatic
Aug 4, 2008
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I'm having a problem with my tetra that I'd love some input on. First, my tank....I have a heavily planted 20 gallon with black skirt, xray and neon tetras, a few guppies, cories and ottos. It's been running for a few years, fully cycled, with a penguine biowheel filter.

My 3 black skirt tetras are my oldest fish, they're about 5 years old now. One of them has developed strange black markings (not the natural stripes/fins). It looks as if his gills are swollen and black, and he has a very dark black area on his caudal fin. I also think he may have pop eye, or at least some clouding. I'll try to get a pic, but they are so fast it's difficult.

There have been 2 changes to my tank recently that are suspect. I added fertilizer, but not much. And I added 2 new ottos, they were in QT for a week but I don't think it was enough. One of them looks unwell, like it may have fungus and soon after I added them I lost a corie.

I've added maracyn plus to the tank just to try and stop anything that may be in there, but I'm mystifed about the tetra. Is there a disease I don't know about that may be causing his discoloration?

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